April 21, 2010

Snoopy The Flying Ace Visits The Intrepid

If you are in NYC and love Snoopy, hurry up and go to the Intrepid Museum in NYC to see the "Snoopy as the World War I Flying Ace” exhibition. I so wish I could fly over to see the exhibition but I can't afford a coast to coast trip. The exhibition is only until April 30th, so you have 9 days left if you want to see it. It is a traveling exhibition.

Snoopy As The World War I Flying Ace - Interpid Museum

I just found additional information about the traveling Snoopy tour at:

MAAA -"Snoopy as the World War I Flying Ace"


If the link doesn't work for you, try this:

MAAA -"Snoopy as the World War I Flying Ace"


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