July 17, 2009


The other day, I had the urge to visit Flat Eric from the Levi's tv commercials. Back then, I used to listen to it over and over again. It has a catchy tune. The clip that I viewed years ago was good and clear (the ad is from 1999). But, now I can't find a clip with a good quality. It kinda make you dizzy. Bummer. In YouTube it's smaller, so for some people it might be easier on the eyes to view it there (well, for me it was).

If I find a better quality clip, I'll replace it. There are also other Levi's commercials with this yellow little fella (like the one with the cop) on YouTube.



soubriquet said...

Ha.... Someone mentioned Flat Stanley, and I thought "Not Stanley, eric, FLAT ERIC!"
So I searched for the ad, I knew Youtube must have him, and I found the good definition one and posted it...
here http://gritinthegears.blogspot.com/2009/08/flat-eric-remembered.html

It seems the internet has a lot of Flat Eric links....

Daphna said...

Yeah, some people get his name wrong. I checked out your blog and saw your interesting post. When I first saw Flat Eric, I couldn't for the life of me figure out what kind of creature it was, but as long as he was funny I didn't care. :-)

Flat Stanley is a children book's character from 1964.

Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flat_Stanley

I wish the video was in a better quality, but I could not find any.