September 16, 2007


*As you may have noticed the September 13, 2007 post disappeared by accident, I had a partial copy of it, but with only two links. I do not remember what the third link was. I'd love it if anyone happen to know what it was. If you do, please shoot me an email or a comment. Thanks.

One of my favorite places to visit is Flickr. It's a site where you can post photos. Sort of like a MySpace concept. If you can find pretty cool stuff there. The following flickr link has images from a book called "Krazy Kids". I have the book myself and I love it. So if you like these things as well, I recommend buying the book.

Krazy Kids

There is plenty of info about events that happened since the 1950's to present. It a nice site, but the navigation is a bit odd. I am a Mac user and use both Safari and Mozilla Firefox. In Safari, if you'll click on one of the dates on this site, it'll lead you to another page. In Firefox, a PDF (an Acrobat file) pop up will ask you if you would like to download the document.

Mr. Pop Culture

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