July 25, 2009

What Is Your Favorite Animal Commercial?

This is really cool. The Animal Makers site has a list of commercials with animals. For example: Jeep has a commercial with a race between the hare and the tortoise. Some other ads feature animals for Nike (a cobra), Marshall's (pink sweater for live poodle), Phillips Batteries (hamsters driving a model car) and Isuzu (dog rides lazyboy. These commercials come with video clips. Overall, there are many tv commercials here from 1979 to 2009. So there is some nostalgia too. As for Animal Makers. They replicate animated and animal replicas. If you go to the main page, you'll see more ads and commercials. There is so much info I was a bit overwhelmed with all that popping up in front of me when I went to the main page. The main page is the second link.

Animal Makers 1979-2009 Commercial Film Summary

Animal Makers Main Page

July 24, 2009

Blog - Children's / Fantasy Illustrations

This blog is about children illustration and fantasy. There are plenty illustrators featured in this blog with their artwork. So far I've seen one artwork per person but they are good and have links for their artwork. I enjoyed the fairy tales illustrations. The one thing I liked about them is how the illustration style differ from one artist to another.

Blog - Children's / Fantasy Illustrations


July 22, 2009

How To Survive The Wilderness

If you plan to go into the wilderness, you best learn how to survive. You never know what you're gonna face, so obviously it's a good idea to learn and be prepared in case of emergency. The blogger tells you exactly what you need to know and how. For example, CPR and how to build a shelter. Here are just some of the topics : survival kit, gear, survival knife, shelter, finding water, survival schools and signaling for help. There are just a few more. You can also submit your own tips (scroll down when you are at the tips page to read other peoples' tips). Personally, I find this site to be quite helpful.

Wilderness Survival Skills For Safe Wilderness Travel


A Trip Inside the Pouch

Have you seen this yet? It is from over two years ago. It's amazing and sort of eerie at the same time. The second video is from last April. The video below is from the Associated Press and it shows a 16 weeks joey inside the pouch. You actually see what the pouch is like inside in both videos.


The video below is from the National Geographic and shows a Matschie's Tree Kangaroo's 16 weeks old twins in the pouch at the Lincoln Children Zoo in Nebraska. There is a short article explaining the method used to film them, and about the Kangaroo which only exist in Papua New Guinea.

National Geographic - Tree Kangaroo Twins Filmed in the Pouch--A First

July 21, 2009

Take A Hike

If you plan to go into the wilderness, you best learn how to survive. You never know what you gonna face, so obviously it's a good idea to learn. The blogger tells you exactly what you need to know and do. For example, CPR and how to build a shelter. Here are just some of the topics : survival kit, gear, survival knife, shelter, finding water, survival schools and signaling for help. There are just a few more. You can also submit your own tips (scroll down when you are at the tips page to read other peoples' tips). Personally, I find this site to be quite helpful.

Wilderness Survival Skills For Safe Wilderness Travel

July 20, 2009

The Mannequins Have Gone Wild

I don't know French, but I found the English meaning for the blog's name - "The Revolt of the Mannequins". These are amazing radical and unusual mannequins. [via http://www.darkroastedblend.com]

La Révolte des Mannequins

A Visit To The Cars Of The Stars Museum

The Cars of The Stars is a museum that is located in Cumbria, England. I am not certain how big this museum is, but this is the kind of museum I'd visit for sure. There are famous cars from the movies and tv. There are even James Bond cars. I envy anyone who can see the famous cars in person. The only famous cars I've ever seen was Herbie and the Gnome-mobile. The cars that I mostly would like to see are from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Mad Max, Flinstones and the trucks from the Raiders of the Lost Ark and the A Team. The museum certainly sounds museum like fun.

Cars Of The Stars Museum


Below is a link for a list of car museums from the NY Times. If you can't access it (you need a subscription), I suggest that you copy the link. Go to Google.com and paste it in the search box. Once you get the result (there's only one), you'll be able to access the list directly from Google. It's very easy to do.

NY TIMES Car Museum List

July 19, 2009

A Bit Of British Cartoons Nostalgia

This is a The Cartoon Decade site focuses on cartoons from the 70's to the 90's. It is not an extensive site, and since it's a British site there are plenty of cartoons from the UK. The data varies from one cartoon to another. For example, some have YouTube videos and some don't. But it is worth a look at, especially if you like foreign and British cartoons.
